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How Can I Tell If My Chimney Liner Needs Repair?

Our home is like an intricate machine. In order for it to work as a whole, we need to make sure that everything is fully functional. We need to attend to every minor detail in our household in order to keep it at its prime.

chimney liner install in Dedham, MAOne of the seemingly minor details that every homeowner should make sure to attend to is the heating system – the chimney included. It plays an integral role in our home’s heating system as it is responsible for the venting of the various gases. Here at Above & Beyond Chimney Service, we understand the importance of your chimneys. In order for your chimney to function properly, you need to make sure that every single one of its parts is doing well.

In our experience, we notice that the chimney liner is one of the least known parts of the chimney. But, it is in fact one of the most important parts. So here are a few things that you should know:

What is a chimney liner?

A chimney liner, or sometimes also referred to as a chimney flue liner, is a ceramic, clay, or metal conduit installed inside our chimneys.

Its main purpose is to serve as the container of the combustion products and basically redirect them outside, which in turn protects the walls of our chimney from corrosion and heat.

What are the common problems encountered?

Chimney liner repair in Dedham, MAThere are a lot of things that could go wrong with your chimney liner, most especially if you don’t pay close attention. There are usually tell-tale signs that would help you indicate if your chimney liner has a problem or not. One thing you should look out for is excess fumes. This usually means that your liner is clogged up with soot and other byproducts. Another thing to look out for is excess soot. Once you start noticing this, then that definitely means that there is something wrong with your chimney liner.

What is the best thing to do in case of a problem?

The three Rs: Repair, Relining, or Replacement. These are the options you are presented with the moment your chimney liner has a problem. But before that, you first need to determine whether or not there really is damaged, and if there is, the gravity of the damage that’s at hand.

And the way to do that accurately and correctly is if you contact an expert and seek their help and advice. We all need to pay closer attention to our chimneys. The moment you notice something strange, pick up the phone and call the experts at once.