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Our Chimney Sweep Blog

Why Your Chimney Needs a Cap

Protecting your chimney is essential for your safety, the integrity of the structure, and its efficient operation. And one of the best protections you can invest in is a chimney cap. Let’s look at what a chimney cap is and its benefits. What is a Chimney Cap? Chimney caps sit on top of your chimney Read more

Get The Facts on Efflorescence

Have you noticed a white, chalky substance coating your chimney and wondered, “What the heck is that?” Most homeowners assume this is part of the chimney’s aging process; it’s probably efflorescence, a salt deposit left after water evaporates, and commonly found on brick, stucco, and concrete. But it’s more than just a cosmetic issue; it Read more

What You Need to Know About Chimney Repairs

Whether you’ve neglected annual chimney maintenance or your chimney has suffered damage from an external source, you may need repairs to keep it running efficiently and safely. And, if you do need chimney repairs, you probably have a lot of questions, which we’ll try to answer in this article. What is Masonry Chimney Repair & Read more

Fireplace Maintenance

Fireplace maintenance is essential to keep your system running smoothly and safely. However, the maintenance methods vary depending on the type of fireplace you have and the fuel you burn. This blog post details the various fireplaces and fuel types and gives you the most up-to-date information on maintaining them for efficiency and safety. Why Read more

Effects of a Damaged Chimney

If you’re like many homeowners, you don’t think much about your chimney unless there’s a problem. However, your chimney and the flue liner play a crucial role in efficient chimney operation and your personal safety. That’s why you must take good care of your chimney and fireplace by hiring a professional chimney sweep for annual Read more